Partly this is a question of cultural differences - in Japanese manga, there is more likely to be incidental nudity, for example, as Japanese audiences are not as, well, prudish about nudity as US audiences are.

I get questions like this one about all sorts of series, but Japanese manga most often. Would Neon Genesis Evangelion by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto belong in the teen or adult collection? It does have some nudity in it. All questions are due in by Friday at midnight so we’ll have a chance to write up the answers for the next week. This week we only got one but it’s a great one to tackle! We may have weeks where questions follow a particular theme or point of origin, so if your question does not appear in the next column, it will be featured in a future column. We will endeavor to answer as many questions as possible in our weekly column. To send in your questions for the next Question Tuesday, please go to our form here. The Good Comics for Kids Question Tuesday column is here to do one thing: answer your questions! Borrowing the idea from novelist John Green (you can check out his famously entertaining video blog with his brother Hank, vlogbrothers, including his Question Tuesday videos, here), we aim to answer all your burning questions about comics, graphic novels, and manga every Tuesday.